- Free UK Shipping Over £25.
- No EU Duties or Customs Fees - No extra charges after purchase.
- EU & International shipping fees calculated at checkout before purchase.
We can ship to virtually any address in the world, however there are restrictions on some products depending on the country it is to be delivered to. When you place an order, we will estimate shipping cost for you based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. Any customs charges and/or taxes will need to be paid at the point of delivery and not the responsibility of More Sports.
We aim to dispatch all orders by 1pm GMT the same day Monday-Friday (excluding Bank Holidays), but due to high volumes of orders at times some orders may be delayed by an extra day for dispatch.
We use a range of couriers including: Royal Mail, Parcelforce, Yodel, DHL Express, Deutsche Post, DPD and Fedex.
Northern Ireland Protocol
The Northern Ireland Protocol puts More Sports in the best position to deliver into the UK, Ireland and the European Union. No Paperwork, No Delays & No Duties.